Monday, 23 February 2015

Silent Woods 8 Colour Correction

I created a new video track so that the color correction I applied would appear as a filler on the new track.
I went to the windows workspace and went to color correction which would then make my workspace appear as the following -
Or you could click this symbol for the correction the second symbol above the key frame symbol.
I started off by choosing the clip I wanted to color, I then using the four color wheels shown above adjusted the SHADOW,HIGHLIGHT,MIDTONES and the MASTER to get the color I wanted. Using the waveforms on the TV LOGIC  this enabled me to keep track of my color correcting as this indicates the black and whiteness of my image so the color that I wanted to use, I had make sure that it didn't exceed the boundary box. In all these images the graph shows how the bottom part is the black and the top half is the white so any color I use these different waveforms acts as guides making sure the color remains balanced.
                                 Before                                                                   After
After you've applied the color to one clip and to save time you can save the color you made as an template and it will then ask you which bin to save it then. You can then drag the color template on to any clip and the color will be applied, and an green line across the clip will appear indicating a color has been applied to the clip.

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