Sunday, 16 November 2014

Professional Toolkit : Workshop 2

Friday 14th November 2014

Studio Build Workshop 2

Wee started the day with a quick discussion from Rosie and Anne, however i wasnt present for this quick discussion as i was taking photographs of my maps and journeys in the art studio. however this isnt relevant to PTK. So i came in after this discussion where Rosie went off with Lucy our Producion Designer shopping for props we needed for the set, Lucy came back with white wallpaper and wall paste and paint. and has orderd the floor which should come in nxt few days. Before i started scrapping down the walls Tom and Rob the Director and Cinematographer and myself had quick talk about how Rob wants me to redraw the storyboard this is an email Rob sent me stating the reasons why he wants the stoaryboard redrawn.

okay, so the last one was pretty decent but it lacks both some environmental close ups of the pillars and phones early on to add some scene setting; but really the biggest thing lacking from the storyboard is movement, remember that now we have  the ability to use vertical and horizontal movement, admittedly the vertical ability will most likely be for establishing shots so try not to overuse it too much. the infinite corridor may also present problems if we film it wrong, so sometimes more side-on (more 45 degrees than fully side-on) will give us shots that's usable outside the need to track the effects; the corridor is a nice visual idea but it's not to be overused because a) it'll become boring and b) it takes focus away from the point in question. using more focus on the phones, tv, and person will give a bit more of that flavor.

 oh and don't worry about making it look nice, especially now that movement is more involved, it's more important that it is clear than well shaded, still, if you pass me a rough version on monday i'll go over it and make some modifications :)
Tom wants me to draw up a concept art of how the initial set will look like with the lightings and pillars etc. so i shall have these concept art and storyboard done for tuesday the 18th November.

After this talk i then helped in scrapping the walls down using a which i found fun to do and enjoyed doing it.
myself and Tom scrapping

 Ulysis scrapping

Tom the Director, Rob the Cinematographer and Lauren and I the Assistant Directors we had a brief meeting with Simon to make sure everything was achievable within the shoot. Simon advised us to create a prevues of the film to get an idea of framing and shots to make it easier on the actual day but we coud'nt get a prevues done as it had taken us all day to scrape down the walls. Once all the walls was striped down we put up two sheets of wallpaper to see how it looked and it looked good despite there being minor points and bumps coming through the wallpaper but this didnt seem to bother us as it was minor and could hardly notice it.

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