Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Professional Toolkit/ First Studio Workshop

Friday 7th November 2014

This was our first day in the studio with Anne & Chris, with their help we built our set so we could roughly see how it would look and what changes we may of had to make in terms of the lighting and how green screen would be used effectively. I found this exercise fun and really enjoyed this as this was something I have never done before and was a new experience for me.

with entire team helping build the set, we managed to assemble two walls out of 4 flats, two support flats and one more in the Centre.

Below is the rough built set with help from Chris Pinnock the studio manager we added spotlights to both sides of the wall to emphasize the studio look.
markers will be used on the green screen as trackers so the infinite corridor can be done in post.

The two pictures below produced by Lucy is how the set originally intended to look like, however when physically assembling the set we had to make minor alterations and use an arm chair instead as it this would give more space for movements.

overview of how the set will look like. However the set has changed due to their not being enough space so we changed to an arm chair being placed in the living room so their would enough space for movements.

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