Thursday, 9 October 2014

Walking Exercise

A quck brief to what we had to do.

Firstly read this essay called ‘Walking a Bill’ which is uploaded to MyUCA as a pdf in Unit Reading.

 Using a simple psychogeographical technique for exploring the streets of Farnham and learning about the role of chance and geography in art. Each student can create a route either by sketching their name or another relevant word, or by using another random method, out on a street map of Farnham (or any other rural or urban area). They will then walk this route. They are encouraged to document the route with a combination of stills, camera phone video, simple sound recording and note-taking. The final output will be either all one media or a mix of photography, video, sound and text generated during the walk presented within your UCA research blog. The final work HAS to draw out a narrative, either real or imaginary, from the random information created by each particular route. The final works will be presented on 10th October.

Firstly i took a map of farnham and drew my name in a continues line on the map.

the writing looks a bit weird but Still worked.

wrote it in note form 

Wednesday 1st Oct 2014
20:45pm left house, my leg hurts went castle street first
20:59pm lost wallet saw about 4 people i knew asked them if they seen it.
21:05pm past waitrose lost my pen
21:13pm walked down street saw a cat with three legs, saw a flashing skip still walking.
21:31pm needed a the lavatory kept it in. came to south view road- dead end.
21:51pm still looking for wallet ended up in the woods turned left another dead end
21:55pm went past huge spookey house, started to hiccup
22:01pm saw massive spider
22:11pm ended up at farnham park 
22:19pm still hiccups
22: 27pm no more pavements had to crossover what is life like
22:30pm ended up at an army cadet force a  bit further dollis drive 
22.50pm home wallet found.

i decided to this this walk using light painting method as it would add more depth to this walk/journey starting from the bottom picture going up.

this was my quest for my lost wallet many challenges stood in my way but i had a tourch which of course helped. this could have been realistic or imgainary i went for the imaginary approach.


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