Monday, 23 March 2015

Photography workshop- printing

18th March Wednesday 2015

Because this session was moved to a later date a few days before the hand-in. In this workshop we had been shown the professional way to print making sure are final prints is the exact match as that to our monitor. 

We calibrated our monitors manually by going to the system preferences > display> color> calibrate. Adjusting the different ambient light settings on the monitor best suited. After the calibration we would get a before and after display showcasing the differences. Reasons for calibrating a monitor or laptop before printing because if your working with high quality images calibrating gives your monitor a better rendition of colour.

 Printing my Final two images for task 4

Within this workshop because we had not that much time I  managed to print one of my final two images within this session, and managed to print the second image the following day. As the friday the 20th is my shooting day for Tom, Lucy and myselfs dance video.

my final two prints the first being of Lucy taken in the style of Carravacio. Using the following color management profile.

R2880 photo glossy profoto rgb / colormunki imac calibrated imac/ photoshop cc manged spr 2880 photo glossy ./ rendered relative colormetric black 5760 16 bit.


The second final print taken from the view of my kitchen.   Using the flowing color management 

 R2880 photo profoto rgb/ photoshop cc managed spr 2880 photo glossy / rendered relative colormetric black point 5760 16 bit.

editing the image in Photoshop adding subtle adjustments to make the photo more interesting.


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