Film Proposal
This story is set in a not too distant future. It revolves around a robot designated 13, due to it being the 13th in a series of 20 robots of its kind. These 20 robots were created to act as mobile databases for sensitive government information. Over time 13 begins to develop certain abnormalities. He develops his own thoughts and desires, and no longer wants to simply be a tool for humans to use. He begins to watch humans closely, and over time he begins to want to be human, to think and feel as humans do. This narrative is depicted largely in the form of flashbacks of 13 struggling to become human. He is disowned by the government when they discover these abnormalities, leaving 13 lost and alone without an identity. This leads him to eventually take drastic measures and operate on himself.
This story is set in a not too distant future. It revolves around a robot designated 13, due to it being the 13th in a series of 20 robots of its kind. These 20 robots were created to act as mobile databases for sensitive government information. Over time 13 begins to develop certain abnormalities. He develops his own thoughts and desires, and no longer wants to simply be a tool for humans to use. He begins to watch humans closely, and over time he begins to want to be human, to think and feel as humans do. This narrative is depicted largely in the form of flashbacks of 13 struggling to become human. He is disowned by the government when they discover these abnormalities, leaving 13 lost and alone without an identity. This leads him to eventually take drastic measures and operate on himself.
Inspired films/ references
1- from this film I have taken the notion of having 13 obsessed in wanting to become human to fit in.
1- from this film I have taken the notion of having 13 obsessed in wanting to become human to fit in.
2-Terminator – I have taken the qualities of the machine structure and has inspired me to incorporate this into my own idea.
3-The qualities from which I have taken from the film Bicenntinal Man and has inspired me is taking the concept of having 13 turn human.
4 -The film has inspired
parts of my film in terms of the recollections of past events, and the use of
non-chronological order.
Storyboard – a scene of how part of the film will look like with 13 being made (CU) close up camera at an slight low angle panning forwards.
You got off to quite a good start with the blog back in January through to the middle of February. Then it all went quiet. You need to make at least 2 or 3 posts every week to document your research and development and this will be the evidence that you present at assessment.
ReplyDeleteCurrently there isn't much for me to feedback on. I recall we had a discussion a couple of weeks ago about the film pitch and how you maybe able to adapt some idea about computer memory, robots, the future into a series for the photographic project. Sadly there is no evidence of any further research around the subject so not sure what we can discuss in tutorials tomorrow.