Monday, 28 April 2014

Photography- using photoshop

using photoshop to manipulate the five images - how i did each photograph.
this thermal image i started by adding/applying a hue/saturation, then duplicated the image and then added a filter blur. I then set the blending mode to overlay then merged the layers together, i then duplicated the layer and applied another filter blur setting the blending mode to overlay and merging again. i created a new layer and filled it with white setting this blending mode to overlay and not merging it. i created another new layer and set a dark blue background and added a filter clouds and set the blending mode to overlay and opacity on this layer to 57%. created another new layer again and filled it with white setting blending mode of this layer to difference final step i duplicated the background layer moved this layer to second from top under white layer and set blending mode to darken to gain the above effect.

for the x ray effect i opened the original photo and duplicated it then removed the colour of the image by inverting it. and increased the shadow of the image. then opened the a skull image from the internet and moved it in front of the photo and positioned it accurately within the faces. and reduced the opacity of the skull to 40% and added a colour overlay and duplicated the layer and then added a filter blur and invoked the image to get the greenish x ray look.

for the pixelated effect i first duplicated the background layer, then added a mosaic pixel effect. then added a layer mask then using a brush revealed parts of the face i wanted to show and lowered the opacity of this layer to 75% to create this effect.  

for this second thermal effect i used a quick selection tool and selected the person then added a gradient map and merged the layers then added a hue and saturation then added a filter noise simple yet effective process.

for this scanned line effect i first created a new small document and made it 2by2 pixels then got the pencil tool and painted the top two pixels black. leaving the bottom transparent. then made this in to a pattern. i opened the image and dragged the pattern i made over the image setting the blending mode to multiply to create this scanned/ TV look a easy process to make a photograph interesting and effective.

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